Healing Touch and Reiki are energy modalities. Energy modalities are based on the premise that the body is a complex energy field and that a trained practitioner can balance and open blockages in the energy field supporting the body's self-healing. The National Institutes of Health calls them "mind and body practices". Blockages can be caused by a physical or emotional trauma that has been left unresolved, which may contribute to illness. Stress and anxiety may reduce the body's potential for healing. As a Healing Touch and Reiki practitioner, I create a relaxing environment to support the self-healing process for the body, mind, and spirit. The session is administered while the client lies or sits on a treatment table and remains fully-clothed. The energy modality process reduces blockages in the energy field so the client is in an optimal state for self-healing to occur.
Energy modalities do not replace standard medical care. Rather, Healing Touch and Reiki are complementary to conventional medical care and not a substitute for it. Energy modalities are hands-on methods of balancing the energy field. They are not meant to substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. They do not compete with Western allopathic medicine. I strongly recommend that viewers of this website who are suffering from disease, injuries, or mental health issues see a licensed professional caregiver.
My home studio is at 103 West Missouri Drive, Riverdale ND 58565. In addition, I travel to clients within the local area and provide distance healing for those who reside outside of the Riverdale area.
Hi, my name is Tamra Bissett. I am a U.S. Army veteran and graduate of The Ohio State University. As an energy practitioner, I am a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner through the Healing Touch Program and a Reiki Practitioner through the Usui Reiki Healing Method. More information about Healing Touch can be found at: https://discover.healingtouchprogram.com/htp-home
I became a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner to fulfill my passion of working with those who desire an holistic approach to stress reduction and well-being. I offer individual Healing Touch sessions to balance the client's energy system and support self-healing.
Tamra is an awesome energy worker. She leads with her heart and is very knowledgeable about the world of energy and how it works. I trust her intuition completely, when receiving a session from her. She is focused, compassionate and I would recommend her without hesitation.
Kathy K.
I experienced Tamra's healing touch last summer. She worked on my feet and the relief was immediate. I'd recommend Tamra to anyone!
Diane L.
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